Internet Sex Crimes
Defense Attorneys in Missouri

The bottom line on sex crimes is this: A conviction will ruin your life. And that’s no exaggeration. No criminal conviction is accompanied with the stigma that comes with being a convicted sex offender. It could lead to difficulty finding employment and housing. It can make you an outcast in your neighborhood and community. If you’re facing sex crimes charges, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side.

At the Law Office of Baerveldt & Boedefeld, LLC in Saint Charles County, we provide people throughout Missouri with an aggressive defense against devastating sex crimes charges. You can count on us to provide you with honest advice and determination to seek solutions that work for you. We will be straightforward with you about your situation and clearly explain your options.

A sex crimes conviction could ruin the rest of your life. Don’t let it happen. Call 636-642-1024 or toll free 888-370-3430 for a free initial consultation with a skilled sex crimes defense attorney.

Aggressive Defending You Against Sex Crimes Charges

Our firm has extensive experience defending clients in courts throughout Missouri. We can defend you against a wide variety of sex crimes charges, including:

  • Rape
  • Statutory rape
  • Sexual abuse
  • Child pornography
  • Internet stalking
  • Soliciting
  • Child molestation

What Could Megan's Law Mean for You?

Megan’s law could force you to register as a sex offender and make information about your conviction and address public. Being on the sex offender registry will allow people to know where you live and access a description of the charges made against you. If you fail to register, you could face serious criminal charges. Registering as a sex offender, while often required, will ruin your life.

If you have been accused of committing a sex crime, you need to act immediately to protect your rights. Contact us today to speak with an attorney.


Send us a message or call to schedule your free consultation right now.

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